Friday, September 14, 2007

Early to bed and early to rise...

...makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. I don't know if this is true, but I do know that going to bed early will make you much less likely to sleep through class. Like I did. Twice. Last week on both Thursday and Friday, I slept through my first few classes. I know some of you are reading this and thinking "Oh, well sometimes I sleep through my 7:30s too." The sad thing about this is that my earliest class on those days isn't a 7:30. It isn't an 8:30. On Friday, it isn't even a 9:30. That's right, I slept through a 10:30 class. In fact, I slept through one on both days, bringing the total classes missed up to three. I woke up on both days at around 10:40, when I finally realized that my phone was going off because my friends were wondering where I was. Let me tell you, those were a bad few classes to miss. One of them was a class that meets only once a week and where my teacher doesn't accept late work, and another was ENGR 100. For those of you lucky enough not to be taking engineering classes, in ENGR 100 if you miss more than two classes, you fail. No questions. I had already missed one class, so now if I ever miss another one I get an automatic F. Ouch.

Why was I so tired? It's because my normal weekday bedtime is about 2 A.M.

********SPOILER ALERT********

You cannot function properly for long periods of time on 6 hours of sleep.

********SPOILER ALERT********

I know this seems stupid at first. "Of course I can function; I do it all the time!" Well, no. True, you can function practically as well in the short term on 6 hours of sleep as you can on 8. However, if you do it for a week or two, the sleep deprivation takes its toll. I like to think of it as a "sleep debt." Every time you get less than a full night's sleep you add to that debt until finally the sandman makes you pay up. Take my advice and try to get a full night's sleep as often as you can.

1 comment:

DumbFun said...

That really sucks. I personally think I am somewhat of an Insomniac. I'm always up to around 2-3. But i'm blessed with a schedule with mostly late classes. my earliest class is a 9:30, only on fridays, tuesdays and thursdays i dont start until 12, and monday and wednesday...not until 2:30. but everyday but tuesday, i'm in class until 5:20.

To me waking up "early" is defined as before 10, or whatever I feel like that particular day. A trick I use to wake up relatively early is I set my alarm near my bed, but i also set my cell phone alarm for about 5 minutes later, thing is I make sure to put my cell phone at the other side of my tiny dorm room. It works, and is especially effective when followed by a hot shower that ends in an ice cold rince down. Give it a shot...and good luck in Engineering!