Saturday, October 27, 2007

Her Stuff is Hers, Your Stuff is Not.

Ok, let me just start off by saying that my roommate is CRAZY! Since day one, she has been on my case about every little thing I do that annoys her, such as opening a window or getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, which accidentally woke her up once. She got mad at me for putting a rug on the floor once, and the next thing I know it was folded up and put in my closet.

I knew the decision to room with a close friend I had in high school was a mistake when she arrived on move-in day and basically took over the entire room. My mom and dad were helping me make my bed and put the carpet down when she showed up with her mom, dad, aunt, cousin, and grandma. There was NO room for my family in the room and we were, honestly, standing in a corner the whole time because there was nowhere else for us to go. They got all her stuff where they wanted it without even asking me. I do not lie when I say that her stuff is taking up 85% of OUR room. My parents were mad, and they wanted to say something to her and her family, but I wouldn't let them because I didn't want to cause a problem. Little did I know that would give her the idea that she could walk all over me from there on out.

Occasionally, after I go home for a weekend, I'll bring something back with me, such as a storage bin. I'll put it somewhere where it is located out of her way because I am such a considerate person you know, and then I'll leave the room and come back to find that she isn't here, but my bin is moved somewhere else. That is ridiculous.

Because of the fact that she left me no room on the first day being here, I had to get all my stuff to fit in and on my desk and in my closet. Since I don't have room for my books on my desk, I have not found a real good spot to keep them yet, so I have a cardboard box located under her futon where I keep them. The box is not visible and sometimes it's hard to reach so every once in a while, I'll put the books on the floor in the corner. Of course, if she doesn't like them there, she'll put them in the box for me.

Lately things have gotten way out of control. She has begun to hang my clothes up in my closet for me if I put them on the back of my desk chair or hang them on my drying rack after I do my laundry. This is my property. Agreed? I have told her this over and over, but she just does not understand. She HATES when things aren't the way she wants them, and she thinks she has the right to fix these issues herself. WRONG.

All I know is that if you have a roommate taking control and walking all over you, do something about it sooner. I should have said something at the very beginning because it has gotten way out of hand now. Also, if you are having these problems, your residence hall usually has a time during the year (at the end of a semester) to request a residence hall change or a roommate/room change. If it's that bad, it might be a good idea to consider this option. I am.

Just remember that her stuff is hers, and your stuff isn't hers.


curlyQ said...

wow. I thought I has a pretty rough roommate situation, but I'm pretty sure this tops it. I would definitely say something because no matter how good of friends you are I wouldn't want her acting like my mom and hanging up my clothes when I want them on my chair.

iLoVeyOuXoX said...

oh the other day I had a fleece hanging on my bed, and I woke up the next morning to find it folded up on my chair... shes gotten an earful. Don't even worry! haha