Sunday, November 11, 2007

The 4-1-1 on Chem 115

So there's a class here at Purdue. Chemistry 115. It's just the basic first year chemistry. And it's terrible. Everything about it is terrible. Their lectures are pointless. You learn NOTHING. It's one of the few things I have found to be guaranteed in college. I will learn nothing in chem lecture.

I also dislike the labs. The other day I was kicked out of my chemitsry lab because I put my goggles on my forehead. There were no chemicals within 10 feet of me. And I was asked to leave by a jackass TA on a power trip. This guy is such a tool, he actually thinks as head TA he makes a difference in the world. I guarantee no one liked this man in high school. Probably not even his parents.

But anyways, your going to come across classes like this in college. I don't necessarily mean you'll find dickhead TA's, but I mean classes where they don't teach you much. These are the classes where they expect you to be able to learn it by yourself. This means you have to spend time with the material besides just doing the homework, because that's not enough.

These are the classes where you have to take notes, make outlines, or do whatever it is that works for you to learn the material. Before you could just sit and listen in lecture, do the homework, and everything would be fine. That will give you an F in this class.

My roommate is a junior, and from what he tells me lots of classes get this way as you get older. I think it's another main difference from classes you take in high school. As you get older and older, you must become more and more interdependent.

It sucks. I miss high school. But i just spilled lemonade all over pretty much everything. So good bye.

1 comment:

CandiedYams said...

Wait until organic chem, if you have to take it that is. I hated chem 115/116, but chem 255 makes it seem like a cake walk. You also have good reason to wear your goggles once you get into chem 255, with all the carcinogens floating around everyday in lab.