Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Getting Around

So I'm a slow walker. Like really, really, really slow. There's a good reason for this. In high school, I hurt my knee playing football and had to have surgery. I was stupid and tried to play too soon.

This happened three times.

Which means instead of one surgery, I had four. And the condition of my knee just kept getting worse and worse. I know, I'm an idiot; but what's done is done. So since my knee has gotten progressively worse, my walk speed has followed that same trend.

Anyway that's not really the point of this post, just a little background information. The real point here is transportation at college. Now as much as I hate to compliment Purdue, their public bus system is pretty good. In fact, for slow walker's it's really good. You can get from point A to point B in a pretty short amount of time.

There are of course other ways to get around campus. One of them is walking. But thats for people who's left leg isn't dead. You can own a car, but that involves having money and a place to park. Both of which are pretty hard to come by at a big college. Especially if your a freshman and your not allowed to have a vehicle on campus.

A bike is another popular method of transportation. You just gotta watch out for dickheads to steal your bike (see previous posts.) And you have to be stellar like me and recover your bike if that happens. If you do get a bike, I recommend getting a cheap one, because let's be honest, I'm one of a kind. I think that's enough self appreciation for the day though.

The point is that in college you gotta be smart as far as getting around goes. You gotta time it properly so that you can get to where you have to go on time. It's usually good to have a plan ahead of how you're going to get to each class so you don't have to think of it on the moment. It works for me.

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