Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Teachers making me go to class

Dam my teachers for making me go to class. I am talking about them making me go to class next week on Monday and Tuesday. Our break does not officially start till Wednesday. In my past three years I have always went home the weekend before thanksgiving, so I could have an entire week off for break. This has usually not been a problem since either all my classes were canceled or all except maybe one. I would just skip that one that was not canceled.

This semester I am not in luck though. I have at least two of my five Monday classes canceled. I would consider skipping them all except the problem is I have a lab on Tuesday. The lab is not canceled. The lab is a multi week lab and I get 50% off if I am not there on the entire lab. The thing that pisses me off is that we work on the labs when we want. It is not like we have to do anything specific during that lab. I wish I could skip it.

Since I am being forced to go to the lab I will probably go to two of my classes on Monday as well since they will most likely give quizzes. My plan is to go home on Thursday since my Friday classes are canceled and come back Monday morning since the teachers are forcing me too. I then plan on getting drunk on Monday night and then going to lab for 10 minutes on Tuesday and then going home.

I asked my teacher a few weeks ago if we were going to have class the week of thanksgiving and he actually made fun of me. He said it was not a liberal arts class. Funny thing is I have had plenty of classes from the same school canceled before.

The reason I wanted that lab canceled is not because school is bad, but I want more time to see family and friends. I think Purdue should have class canceled for that entire week of thanksgiving. I guess the moral of the story is teachers sometimes don’t do what you want.

1 comment:

Kollbjorn said...

I also am stuck here through Tuesday. I can't believe I have to stay like four extra days just for one class. BIO 195t, "Boot Camp for Bio Lab." Ugh. There is only one a week though, and mine happens to fall on Tuesday. If I miss a lab I lose points on all the prelab work too, so missing a lab ends up costing me about 8 percent of my grade, almost an entire letter. I hate teachers that do that and make you stay until right before a holiday.