Saturday, December 1, 2007


Well, we are right at the end of the semester now. Only this week and finals week to go. Do you know what that makes this week? That's right, dead week. There are two reasons this week is aptly named. The first is that this week is traditionally one with little work given in classes, since the semester is about to end. The activity comes to a 'dead' halt, hence the name. The second reason is that this is the week that practically every single class has a project or something due, making the students stay up all night and act 'dead' all day. I am one of these students. I am dead. Sooo dead.

Compared to some people, I don't have THAT much to do. However, compared to the work I've been doing the rest of the semester, I have a crapload to do. I have three papers and a website due this week, along with most normal work I would have (a bunch of math homework sections, some online chem homework, etc.). Even though I have known about my projects for months, most likely, I haven't started on any of them. You know what I did all day instead of working? I played Kingdom Hearts II. For nine hours. *shakes head sadly* I guess I'm going to be really busy these next few days.

One good thing about dead week is that the libraries are open all day. FINALLY! Having the libraries open all day is the best thing that could possibly happen for all my projects. See, my internal clock runs on Tokyo time. I would probably be waking up at about 3 pm if I didn't have class, but I would be up until 7 am. The libraries being open all hours finally allows me to go and do research in textual sources at 4 am when I have nothing else to do.

Sadly, the dining halls haven't followed the libraries' example. 24 hour dining halls would be so pwnzor! I would eat there at all hours of the night. *sigh* If only, if only.., Well, I'll have to make do without it. I expect my dining expenses to at least double this week. It's hard to work and study on an empty stomach. McDonalds must love this time of year.

Something to remember about dead week is that sleep is the last thing you need. It sounds stupid, but it's true. You can make it through five days with practically no sleep. Besides, you can always sleep in class. It's not like much goes on in class this week. You can also catch up on sleep next week in between finals. Abuse energy drinks and caffeine all you want this week. Sleep is for the weak, not this week. The only thing you need to do this week is get your work done and handed in! Everything else is secondary.

Anyhow, I'm pretty swamped right now. The important thing to remember, if you end up in my situation, is to not panic! Panicking will only cause you to worry and stress, losing valuable working time. Work done while in a panic will be subpar at best. DO NOT PANIC! The best way to do this is to make sure you stay fairly relaxed. Take some time off working or studying if you feel stressed and do someting that will make you feel at ease, like hanging out with friends or playing a video game. Playing music while working will also help stress levels because it will give your subconscious something else to think about besides your overwhelming volume of work. Good music will help your stress and also make you more energized and able to work.

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