Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Get up off your butt

While at college you should do more than just go to class, do homework, and drink. Try to enjoy yourself some. Find a club to join. There are a ton of options to choose from. You go on SSINFO to see what clubs there are. On SSINFO click on Student Life, Student Organizations. On there you will find hundreds of clubs that do lots of different things. I personally have joined two different groups during my time at Purdue. I joined a fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, and an organization of students in my major, Association of Information Technology Professionals.

There are many good reasons to join clubs. The first is that it allows you to have fun. In a fraternity they have events through out the semester such a dinner somewhere, formals, camping trips, ect. Joining a fraternity or sorority also just gives you another group of friends to do stuff with. Almost every major at Purdue has a club that goes along with it. In my major, the club does not do that much. We put on a job fair in the fall where we get all of our money for the rest of the school year. There are also a few student/faculty mixers where you get to eat food, drink(if you are 21), and talk to your professors outside of the classroom. The last thing we do is send 20-40 people to a national conference to compete in competitions related to my major. There is also a club that just does outdoors activities called Purdue Outing Club. They really let you get away from college. They go backpacking, climbing, kayaking, biking, ect. That is a brief description of a few clubs.

Recruiters also really look to see that you have done activates while at college. They want to see you have joined organizations, but they also want to see that you actually did something with the organization. Recruiters will ask you what you did with the organization. They particularly like to see that you had a position in the organization. I actually have a recruiter ask me “Did you just go on the trip?” as in did I just let someone else do all the work in the organization. To that recruiter I was about to tell them no. I actually am both the treasure and help plan events.

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