Tuesday, September 25, 2007

!~!~!~! LauNdRy LesSoNs !~!~!~!

One of the biggest things that college kids dread is doing their laundry. Most students will wait until the very last minute to do it. Chances are that students will wear every item of clothing they have taken with them to college as many times as they can until their clothes get so disgusting that he or she cannot wait them anymore. Either that or his or her roommate won't even sleep in the same room with him or her because his or her clothes are so dirty and the room starts to smell bad.

To spare yourself the embarrassment, just do your laundry when you realize its necessary. It really isn't that bad. Heck, I NEVER did laundry until I came to college. I was never forced to do my laundry at home, and to be honest, I don't think that was a very good thing. However, even though I never did my laundry until I got to Purdue, I've done my laundry four times in the past month and I've never screwed anything up--except that one shirt that I shrunk.

Laundry is not at all difficult to do, as long as you follow some steps and pay attention to certain things.

1) Sort your clothes into darks and lights before you go to the laundry room. It will save a significant amount of time and besides, if you're lolly-gaggin around and taking your time, people might get frustrated and mad because they want to do their laundry too and your preventing them from it. You may not think so, but this does happen... trust me. I know.

2) LOOK AT THE SETTINGS ON THE WASHERS AND DRYERS! If you don't set them to your own preferences, something terrible will happen. I repeat, SOMETHING TERRIBLE WILL HAPPEN!!!

3) Pay attention and don't forget to use stain remover on your clothes. Most importantly, don't forget to put detergent in the washer... you'll feel stupid, it would have been a waste of time and money, and you'll have to start all over again.

4) Watch how much time is left when you wash and dry your clothes. I know from experience that if your clothes are in a machine and the time has run out, people will remove your clothes in order to put theirs in. Your clothes will turn up missing or they will be lying all over the floor.

5) Chances are at some point you might shrink something. Your life won't end. I promise.

6) Leave the room with ALL of your things at the same time. This includes clothes, the laundry basket, bookbags, any homework, detergent, stain remover, dryer sheets, laptops...everything! You forget something like that, and it will be gone when you return.

Have fun. Do your laundry, not just for yourself, but for the rest of us. =)

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