Friday, October 19, 2007

Go to your interviews

I decided to blow off an interview with a company earlier this week. I made this decision after reading over the description of the job and realizing it was not really something I want. Since I did not want the job I did not want to go through the effort and get all dressed up in a suit. Another reason I decided to blow it off was I wanted more sleep.

This was not a wise decision. Purdue’s CCO does not like it when you blow off an interview. CCO sent me an email the day following when I was supposed to be at an interview. The email said they had disabled my account. This means I can no longer signup for interview even if companies want to talk to me.

I went over to CCO’s office in Stewart Center. They said I had to write a letter of apology to the company. The letter had to explain my self and ask that they do not let this reflect on Purdue, CCO or Purdue’s students. I then went home and wrote my letter and went back the following day and had to wait for 15 minutes to talk to someone. Then afterward they unlocked my account.

The moral of the story is I could have gotten dressed up and went to the 30 minute interview and gotten more experience with interviews. Instead I spend about 2 hours fixing the problem. Also if I do miss another interview, the punishment is worse. They said I would have to meet with someone higher up to resolve my problems next time.

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